Productivity and Efficiency
According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, water efficiency is the smart use of our water resources through water-saving technologies and simple steps. Using water efficiently will help ensure reliable water supplies today and for future generations. Topics addressed in this theme provide insights, lessons, and guidance on how diverse stakeholders are working to improve water management and reduce water use.
Productivity and Efficiency Resources
Optimizing Industry Water Use: Evaluation of the Use of Water Stewardship Tools by Great Lakes Basin Industries
January 1, 2012Electric Power Research Institute
This document reports on a research study funded by Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), the Great Lakes Protection Fund (GLPF), the National Council for Air and Stream Improvement (NCASI), and the Council of Great Lakes Industries (CGLI). The objective of the research was to understand and...Read more
Water Prism Volume 1
January 1, 2012Electric Power Research Institute
The report includes a high level summary of the conceptual design of Water Prism, and walks the reader through the major steps of a Water Prism analysis. The report explains in detail the calculations for free flowing rivers, impoundments and rivers below impoundments, and groundwater. The report...Read more
Water Prism, Volume 2: Prototype Applications
January 1, 2013Electric Power Research Institute
Water Prism is a decision support system (DSS) that evaluates alternative management plans to obtain water resource sustainability at the regional, watershed, or local levels. It considers surface, ground, and impoundment waters and all water-using sectors (industrial, agricultural, municipal,...Read more
Managing Water Resource Requirements for Growing Electric Generation Demands
January 1, 2009Electric Power Research Institute
This report is a general guide to analytical techniques used to address water resource management as related to long-term sustainability planning, and short-term regulatory requirements, including total maximum daily loads, endangered species, and relicensing of hydropower facilities. The example...Read more
Water and Sustainbility (Volume1): Research Plan
January 1, 2002Electric Power Research Institute
The objective of this study was to determine the likelihood, magnitude, and timing of water shortages, and the degree of electric supply and demand dependency on water -- and to develop a research plan to address the water and sustainability issue before it becomes critical. This research plan...Read more
Water and Sustainability (Volume2): An Assessment of Water Demand, Supply, and Quality in the U.S. -- The Next Half Century
January 1, 2002Electric Power Research Institute
The objective of this study was to characterize the probable magnitude of the quantity of water demanded and supplied, as well as the quality of such water, in the United States for the next half-century -- from 2000 to 2050 -- and identify regional deficits (if any). This study also identifies...Read more
Water and Sustainability (Volume 3): U.S. Water Consumption for Power Production -- The Next Half Century
January 1, 2002Electric Power Research Institute
The objectives of this report are to identify major water-consuming power plant types, determine typical water consumption per unit of generation for each plant type, determine current generation and estimate future generation by power plant and cooling system type, and estimate future aggregate...Read more
Water and Sustainability (Volume 4): U.S. Electricity Consumption for Water Supply and Treatment -- The Next Century
January 1, 2002Electric Power Research Institute
The objectives of this study are to determine if there will be sufficient electricity available for providing fresh water and treating wastewater to satisfy the country's agricultural, power production, industrial, and drinking water needs, deterrmine typical electricity consumption per unit...Read more
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