Emergency & Disaster Relief
According to Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council, in a disaster situation, the provision of safe water and sanitation solutions, and especially hygiene promotion, are vital to reduce the spread of epidemic diseases. Resources available in this sub-theme include case studies of disaster response, overviews of ongoing support to emergencies, and other resources related to WASH provision in disasters.
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Emergency & Disaster Relief Resources
Assisting the Vulnerable Conflict-Affected in Darfur Quarterly Report (Jan-March 2014)
March 31, 2014U.S. Agency for International Development
In early 2014 a new wave of violence across Darfur generated enormous additional humanitarian needs. Hostilities and violence involving Government forces supported by the Rapid Support Force, a Government-affiliated militia, and armed movements in Darfur have expanded and the conflict has spread...Read more
Regional focus:
SudanSub-Saharan AfricaSomalia Livelihoods Support (Solis I and II)
February 28, 2014U.S. Agency for International Development
The Somalia Livelihoods Support (SOLIS) project was implemented in two phases of 12 and 17 months respectively, ending in November 2012. It started during the end of the rainy season in 2010, continued through the drought and subsequent famine of 2011 (the worst drought to hit Somalia in 60 years)...Read more
Regional focus:
SomaliaSub-Saharan AfricaActive USG Humanitarian Programs in Ethiopia [Map]
February 1, 2014U.S. Agency for International Development
This map shows the range of U.S. Government support to Ethiopia. The map includes information on those organizations working in each province, as well as which government agency is supporting each organization and the types of support being provided. This includes water, sanitation, and hygiene...Read more
Regional focus:
EthiopiaSub-Saharan AfricaAssisting the Vulnerable Conflict-Affected in Darfur Quarterly Report (Oct-Dec 2013 Period)
January 1, 2014U.S. Agency for International Development
In 2013 South Darfur State was affected by various conflicts including fighting between the SAF and SLA-AW forces, fighting between militias and Government security officials, and inter-tribal fighting. The state also faced problems of banditry and criminality raising serious concerns about...Read more
Regional focus:
SudanSub-Saharan AfricaKhartoum/White Nile Emergency Project: Final Report
November 10, 2013U.S. Agency for International Development
The overall goal of this project was to assist humanitarian agencies to effectively and promptly respond to North-South separation related emergencies in Khartoum and White Nile States through the provision of needed resources to organizations already on the ground who have a history of working...Read more
Regional focus:
SudanSub-Saharan AfricaGlobal - USAID/OFDA Health Sector Update, Fiscal Year (FY) 2013
October 1, 2012U.S. Agency for International Development
The Horn of Africa is recovering from one of the worst droughts on record with 13.3 million people in need of assistance of some kind. Recognizing the inextricable link between health and other core humanitarian sectors, particularly nutrition and water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH), USAID/OFDA...Read more
Regional focus:
EthiopiaSub-Saharan AfricaSahel - Ongoing USG Humanitarian Assistance to the Sahel (04-13-2012)
April 1, 2012U.S. Agency for International Development
This document presents a map of active USG humanitarian assistance to the Sahel as of April 2012.Read more
Regional focus:
Sub-Saharan AfricaEmergency Response and Livelihood Recovery for Drought Affected Communities in North Eastern Kenya: Final Report: August 1, 2011-April 30, 2012
January 1, 2012U.S. Agency for International Development
In response to the humanitarian crisis in the Horn of Africa, Mercy Corps has been implementing the Emergency Response and Livelihood Recovery Program in Wajir District of Northeastern Kenya with support from the USAID Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance. The OFDA program was heavily invested...Read more
Regional focus:
KenyaSub-Saharan AfricaAssisting the Vulnerable Conflict-Affected in Darfur Quarterly Report (July-Sept 2012)
January 1, 2012U.S. Agency for International Development
According to the United Nations Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) Sudan Humanitarian Weekly update for September 2012, sporadic fighting continued in parts of Darfur, resulting in new civilian displacement.Read more
Regional focus:
SudanSub-Saharan AfricaSouthern Africa - Ongoing USG Humanitarian Assistance to Southern Africa (09-30-2011)
September 30, 2011U.S. Agency for International Development
USAID/OFDA's FY 2011 DRR activities in Southern Africa focused on instituting early warning systems for floods and cyclones, building national and regional capacity for risk management, strengthening agricultural livelihoods to mitigate the effects of drought and food insecurity, and...Read more
Regional focus:
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