Assisting the Vulnerable Conflict-Affected in Darfur Quarterly Report (Oct-Dec 2013 Period)
In 2013 South Darfur State was affected by various conflicts including fighting between the SAF and SLA-AW forces, fighting between militias and Government security officials, and inter-tribal fighting. The state also faced problems of banditry and criminality raising serious concerns about deteriorating law and order in South Darfur. According to the Government's Humanitarian Aid Commission (HAC) and community leaders in South Darfur, between March and November 2013 an estimated total of 55,000 people fled their homes following inter-tribal fighting in the state. Security concerns prevented humanitarian actors from immediately accessing these people. During the past quarter, between 15 and 17 December, 2013 an inter-agency mission - led by HAC and the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) - was able to access several locations in South Darfur's Ed El Fursan, Rahad El Berdi and Kubum localities where these displaced people had taken refuge. The inter-agency team has since produced assessment reports of the areas visited indicating that the displaced people in these locations are reportedly in need of water, food, non-food relief supplies, health and education services.