International Center for Aquaculture - 211(D) Grant to Auburn University
This document outlines the grant between Auburn University (AU) in the U.S. and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). Specifically the grant described Auburn's capability to provide training and technical assistance to LDC's in the field of aquaculture development. Project activities focused on five areas. (1) To improve AU's education and training opportunities, new courses will be developed in fisheries extension methodology and hatchery management of primary food fishes; and specialized training programs in practical aspects of aquaculture will be developed for LDC graduate students. (2) To extend AU's knowledge base and research capability, research will be continued in pond ecology (prediction of dissolved oxygen content) and in spawning and rearing of promising food fishes; and will be initiated in genetics and breeding, agricultural economics, and pond-ecology (study of acid-sulfate soils). (3) To enhance AU's advisory capacity, a manual on aquaculture extension methodology will be written and distributed; technical training will be provided for selected AU staff; orientation courses will be set up for leaders of USAID-funded field projects, and limited technical back-stopping for the latter will be provided. (4) To develop AU's informational capabilities, AU will prepare and publish reports on grant activities, as well as manuals on subjects such as aquaculture research, extension methodology, and hatchery management. (5) AU will improve and expand its links with LDC research institutions, and will be more active in developing contacts with U.S. institutions and agencies, particularly the University of Rhode Island.