Aquaculture Research and Support
Project, follow-on to 9311314, to upgrade LDC's capacities to manage their fisheries and improve fish distribution and marketing systems. Auburn University's International Center for Aquaculture (AU/ICA) will implement the project's research, technology transfer, training, and networking activities. Research will focus on developing, testing, and transferring technologies aimed at increasing fish yields. Decision aids (simulation models) will be developed, tested, and validated at AU and in LDC's by researchers, extensionists, and others who will relay research results to LDC fish farmers. Research areas include: (1) aquaculture, including fish diseases/pathology, genetics/breeding, hatchery management, nutrition, processing and quality assurance, production systems, water quality and hydrology, integrated farming (e.g., fish/rice), and aquaculture economics; (2) aquatic ecology; and (3) freshwater fisheries management. Decision aids will be tested in three geographic regions. Technology transfer will occur via: (1) short-, medium- and long-term TA for project design, assessment, feasibility studies, and evaluations in aquaculture, aquatic ecology, freshwater fisheries management, private sector involvement, policy and planning, fish distribution/marketing, and credit; and (2) information transfer, including library and informational services, assistance to LDC's in creating/maintaining such services, and the dissemination of AU/ICA publications and research findings in LDC's and internationally. Training will be provided at AU and in LDC's, including: undergraduate and graduate training in fisheries-related areas, with management courses for students planning to work in fisheries administration; non-degree and short-term training; the production of training manuals and audiovisuals for LDC use; seminars and workshops; and computer training. Finally, AU will increase its involvement in programs of the International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management (ICLARM) and in other fisheries-related institutions. Specific activities are to: establish new international, national, regional contacts; hold conferences and international workshops; expand the International Aquatic Network's computerized telex and satellite system; and produce and disseminate publications to LDC and international entities.