External Evaluation of Fisheries Development Support Services (Project 936-4024) At the University of Rhode Island, Nov. 5-7, 1986
Evaluates project implemented by the University of Rhode Island's (URI's) International Center for Marine Resource Development (ICMRD) to strengthen the fisheries sectors of developing countries through training, TA, and applied research. External mid-term evaluation covers the period 1982-86 and is based on document review and interviews with ICMRD and URI staff. URI/ICMRD has a unique combination of capabilities which make it responsive not only to the specific technical requirements of fisheries development, but also to the human factors involved. The facilities for information services, training, and applied research at URI are good. Project training and TA are organized into interdisciplinary activities tied to strong academic programs, and the addition of applied research has further enhanced the project. ICMRD's capabilities in fisheries development are singular and should be preserved. Accordingly, recommendations are for A.I.D. to provide long-term support for ICMRD so that URI will be able to maintain its faculty and staff strength in areas related to the project. The scope of ICMRD's activities should be broadened to include as many countries as possible, and A.I.D. and ICMRD should work together to encourage more Missions to utilize ICMRD in-country training and to encourage more LDC institutions to use ICMRD's research and information facilities. Planning and coordination of technology transfer activities should be improved, and training manuals and other materials should be completed and made available in a wide variety of native languages. (Author abstract, modified).