Economic Analysis of Alternate Irrigation Methods in El Salvador
Irrigation is a relatively new factor in agriculture in El Salvador. In the past, the crops have been mainly produced during the rainy season (May-October). Because of the ideal climate, with irrigation, crops can be produced year round, and with this intent, the Ministry of Agriculture, (Ministerio de Agricultura y Granaderia, MAG) has formed two irrigation districts, Zapotitan and Itiocoyo-Nueva Concepcion. The Zapotitan District is composed of individual farmers who own their farms. For the most part, the land is relatively flat with slopes less than 2%. Zapotitan covers an area of 3950 hectares (Ha), with 600 Ha divided into 2 Ha farms. The average farm in the remaining 3350 Has. is between 15-20 Has. Atiocoyo-Nueva Concepcion is a government owned district, with the land to be redistributed to individual farmers, with 50 Has as a limit for one farmer. The district is composed of 3721 Has., much of which is rolling hills or land with slopes greater than 2%. The purpose of this study is to compare the cost of sprinkler versus surface irrigation, determine the variable factors in the costs, and present some guidelines in selecting the most economic irrigation method for any area. given specifications of soil type, crop, and topography.