Caribbean Marine Resources: Opportunities for Economic Development and Management
Despite their enormous potential, marine resources are largely underdeveloped in most countries of the Caribbean Basin, largely because regional policymakers lack the understanding of marine environments and ecological processes needed to make informed decisions. This study divides marine resource development into four broad areas (nearshore marine habitats, fisheries and mariculture resources, geological and non-living resources, and human/institutional resources and educational needs) and devotes a separate chapter to each area. Each chapter provides background on the status and extent of the resources, addresses constraints particular to specific resources or countries, outlines the opportunities and requirements for further development, and makes specific recommendations for donor assistance. It is clear, the study concludes, that many of the countries in the region could better utilize their marine resources, but doing so will require a long-term commitment from Caribbean governments to develop adequate marine resource management capabilities. Annexes present brief descriptions of Caribbean institutions involved in marine resource development; country-specific data on ecological, economic, or cultural considerations; and a country-specific list of threatened marine animal species. Includes charts, illustrations, and references (1967-86).