Assisting the Vulnerable Conflict-Affected in Darfur Quarterly Report (Jan-Mar 2012)
The Seventh Quarter, January-March 2012, saw continued violence in Darfur. Fighting was reported between government and rebel forces as well as between different tribes in South and North Darfur. The kidnapping of an international staff member, a UK citizen, in broad daylight in Nyala in early March served as a stark reminder that the threat of kidnapping remains high. In this particular incident, the kidnappers achieved their objective by carjacking the vehicle of the person in question. Activities were hindered this quarter by public demonstrations in Nyala as a result of the replacement of the South Darfur Wali (Governor) by a new incumbent, which led to movement restrictions to IDP camps and the Abga Rajel area. The security of the people of Darfur and international aid agencies remains unpredictable and the curfew continues from 5 pm to 8.30 am. This quarter, the program has continued to focus on Dereige, Sakaly, and Elsereif camps and the Abga Rajel rural area targeting IDPs and host community for delivery of water, sanitation and hygiene promotion services, and livelihood activities.