AID Amendment No. 1 of Grant No. 612-0231-G-00-2012-00 to Save The Children Fund (Uk) for Follow Up Drought Mitigation Work
Grant is provided to Save The Children Fund (UK) under a child survival project in Malawi to implement the second phase of an ongoing USAID-funded drought relief project. The grantee will: (1) drill 50 boreholes and rehabilitate 75; (2) implement community-based management programs for these water points and for the 141 water points constructed or rehabilitated in Phase I; and (3) provide hygiene education at all 266 water points. Training will be a major activity; recipients will include government health assistants and health surveillance assistants; water monitoring assistants; extension workers; village borehole committees, caretaker committees, and health committees; and village health volunteers. The grantee will also develop a database on the status of refugee water points (boreholes and shallow wells), which were constructed under a UN High Commissioner on Refugees program, in view of the expected return of the refugees to their homes in Mozambique, to identify which of the water points should be abandoned and which maintained.