U.S. Domestic Resources
Welcome to the H2infO U.S. Domestic Resources Page. On this page you will find U.S. Water Partnership member resources aimed at helping domestic stakeholders address the unique water challenges of the United States.
U.S. Domestic Resources
National Water Level Observation Network
October 15, 2013National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
The NWLON is a coastal observing network of 175 stations nationwide, including the Great Lakes and Pacific as well as Atlantic Ocean Island Territories and Possessions that collects continuous long-term water level observations to a known vertical reference. NWLON data communications include near...Read more
Regional focus:
United StatesNorth AmericaThe FORWARD Project: First Quarterly Report
October 1, 1996U.S. Agency for International Development
The first quarterly report of the FORWARD project, a project designed to promote equitable and sustainable water management strategies, policies and plans in selected countries in the ANE region, which are facing serious water shortages and/or conflicts over water.Read more
Regional focus:
United States