U.S. Domestic Resources
Welcome to the H2infO U.S. Domestic Resources Page. On this page you will find U.S. Water Partnership member resources aimed at helping domestic stakeholders address the unique water challenges of the United States.
U.S. Domestic Resources
United States Interagency Elevation Inventory
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
This catalog of publicly available, high-accuracy elevation data for the United States and its territories is collaboratively maintained by six federal agencies. The inventory provides an important central location for information about elevation data sets and decreases duplicate data collection...Read more
Regional focus:
United StatesNorth AmericaUSGS Water Science School - Questions and Answers
U.S. Geological Survey
A part of the USGS Water Science School, this page provides a series of questions and answers surrounding water. Topics include Water at Home, Water Use, Measuring Water, Water Chemistry and Quality, and the Water Around Us.Read more
Regional focus:
United StatesNorth AmericaLandsat and Water- Case Studies of the Uses and Benefits of Landsat Imagery in Water Resources
January 1, 1970U.S. Geological Survey
The majority of the case studies in this report focus on the use of Landsat data in the area of water resource management, including both U.S. and international uses and benefits. The report begins with a broad examination of laws and policies supporting the Landsat program and best available...Read more
Regional focus:
United StatesNorth AmericaCreating Clean Water Cash Flows: Developing Private Markets for Green Stormwater Infrastructure in Philadelphia
January 1, 2013The Nature Conservancy
Taken together, the chapters suggest that although
Philadelphia's parcel-based fee system is a good first step
toward drawing private investment to green infrastructure,
many economic barriers remain. In the current market
environment, the discounted payback periods of most green...Read more
Regional focus:
United StatesNorth AmericaStepping up to the Challenge: The Whole System Approach to Conservation in North America
July 7, 2011The Nature Conservancy
This concept paper presents the newly developed whole system conservation approach that will be fundamental to the Conservancy's thinking regarding how to achieve meaningful conservation outcomes in an era of large-scale disturbances. Read more
Regional focus:
North AmericaUnited StatesWhy the Groundwater Management Act?
October 18, 2014The National Institutes for Water Resources
Groundwater is being pumped from aquifers faster than it is able to be naturally replenished. The Groundwater Management Act (GMA) was established by the Arizona State legislature to regulate groundwater use and determine a safe yield goal for recharge of water and recovery.Read more
Regional focus:
United StatesNorth AmericaUSAID Water and Development Strategy, 2013-2018
Foundation CenterU.S. Agency for International Development
The first global Water and Development Strategy outlines the approach that will guide USAID's water programming through 2018. The Strategy emphasizes sustainability, working through host country systems, using emerging science and technology, and learning from past efforts.Read more
Regional focus:
United StatesNorth AmericaWater and Development Strategy: Implementation Field Guide
Foundation CenterU.S. Agency for International Development
This periodically updated document is intended to serve as a reference tool to help USAID Operating Units understand and apply the agency's 2013-2018 Water and Development Strategy. By publicly sharing the document, USAID aims to ensure coordination of their efforts with the wider water sector.Read more
Regional focus:
United StatesNorth AmericaSharing Colorado River Water: History, Public Policy and the Colorado River Compact
The National Institutes for Water Resources
The year 1997 marks the 75th anniversary of the signing of the Colorado River Compact. Delegates from the seven Colorado River Basin states met on November 9, 1922 in New Mexico to discuss, negotiate and ultimately work out the compact. It was then signed in the Palace of the Governors, Santa Fe,...Read more
Regional focus:
United StatesNorth AmericaWater Quality Standards and International Development
January 1, 1971U.S. Agency for International Development
The purpose of this report is to offer those concerned with social and economic progress in developing countries insights into the concept of water quality standards, and summary of progress to date in establishing such standards in the United States and in developing countries.Read more
Regional focus:
United StatesNorth America