U.S. Domestic Resources
Welcome to the H2infO U.S. Domestic Resources Page. On this page you will find U.S. Water Partnership member resources aimed at helping domestic stakeholders address the unique water challenges of the United States.
U.S. Domestic Resources
Length-Based Methods in Fisheries Research
January 1, 1987U.S. Agency for International Development
The proceedings of a conference to identify specific features of sampling schemes used to obtain length-frequency data for stock assessment; length-based methodologies for stock assessment of fish; and to review and test computer programs implementing length-based methods.Read more
Regional focus:
United StatesNorth AmericaCollaborative Research Support Program Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture Fourth Annual Administrative Report
December 1, 1986U.S. Agency for International Development
This administrative report addresses the management and technical accomplishments of the Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture Collaborative Research Support Program during the reporting period from September 1 1985 through August 31 1986.Read more
Regional focus:
United StatesNorth AmericaProgress Report: High Rate Anaerobic Digestion and High Rate Oxidation Ponds
August 1, 1986U.S. Agency for International Development
The objectives of this program were to characterize the various effluents from a newly built Kraft pulping mill, study the high rate of anaerobic digestion of a selected wastewater from the Kraft mill, study of photosynthetic system which can treat the effluent from the digester in high-rate...Read more
Regional focus:
United StatesNorth AmericaTechnical Report: Effect of Variability on Estimates of Cohort Parameters Using Length-Cohort Analysis With a Guide to Its Use and Misuse
June 1, 1987U.S. Agency for International Development
This study covers equations for evaluating the effects of variability in the input parameters and for changes in the size of the length interval.Read more
Regional focus:
United StatesNorth AmericaTechnical Report: a Microcomputer-Based Decision Support System for Multispecies Fishery Management:"
May 1, 1987U.S. Agency for International Development
This technical report covers a year of working to design an improved toolkit for stock assessment and decision-making in small-scale fisheries. The toolkit is structured as a microcomputer-based decision support system that automates multiple-species stock assessment.Read more
Regional focus:
United StatesNorth AmericaFeasibility of Relating Recruitment to Environmental Variables
May 1, 1987U.S. Agency for International Development
The feasibility of relating recruitment to environmental variation depends on the development of a model defining this relationship. A recruitment-environment model would need to contain components relating to both to the ecosystem "engine" and various sensors or gauges to measure its...Read more
Regional focus:
United StatesNorth AmericaCollaborative Research Support Program Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture Fifth Annual Administrative Report 1987
March 1, 1988U.S. Agency for International Development
This administrative report addresses the management and technical accomplishments of the Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture Collaborative Research Support Program during the reporting period from September 1 1986 to August 31 1987.Read more
Regional focus:
United StatesNorth AmericaA Yield Model for Walking Catfish Production in Aquaculture Systems
January 1, 1988U.S. Agency for International Development
A yield model for walking catfish was produced using a combination of laboratory data and field data from culture in Thailand. The model was used for simulations to fulfil three objectives: to consolidate knowledge of fish physiology and aquaculture practices, to determine sensitivity of...Read more
Regional focus:
United StatesNorth AmericaFisheries Stock Assessment: a Search for New Methods in Fisheries Stock Assessment
January 1, 1990U.S. Agency for International Development
Small scale fisheries are an important source of food and employment in many coastal regions of the world, and represent a significant source of protein for domestic consumption in developing countries. Fisheries stock assessment techniques employed by third world countries often do not provide...Read more
Regional focus:
United StatesNorth AmericaFisheries Development Support Services: Amendment No. 1
September 1, 1992U.S. Agency for International Development
An amendment to extend the project assistance completion date to 1991 and add more work and budget.Read more
Regional focus:
United StatesNorth America