U.S. Domestic Resources
Welcome to the H2infO U.S. Domestic Resources Page. On this page you will find U.S. Water Partnership member resources aimed at helping domestic stakeholders address the unique water challenges of the United States.
U.S. Domestic Resources
Washfunders.Org Funder Toolkit
Foundation Center
This toolkit aggregates resources for both new and established funders to inform their grant making related to safe drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) promotion.Read more
Regional focus:
United StatesNorth AmericaWashfunders.Org Outcomes Toolkit
Foundation Center
A collection of resources for monitoring project progress and measuring impact. This toolkit pulls together some of the best examples of efforts to monitor WASH projects and to measure their outcomes.Read more
Regional focus:
United StatesNorth AmericaWashfunders.Org Map
Foundation Center
An interactive'mapping application'that shows where foundation grants are going, to which organizations, and for what purpose. Foundation funding is shown within the context of international funding as well as key development indicators.Read more
Regional focus:
United StatesNorth AmericaWest Africa Water Initiative: Improving Rural and Peri-Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Through Partnerships
Foundation Center
The Conrad N. Hilton Foundation has been at the forefront of the West African Water Initiative (WAWI), contributing close to $24 million to support the project from 2002-2008. The initiative was a public-private partnership involving 14 strategic partners, and it generated more than $56 million in...Read more
Regional focus:
United StatesNorth AmericaWASH Funders' Forum
Foundation Center
An online community that allows funders to coordinate their work more effectively, share pertinent resources, and discuss challenges and opportunities in the sector. It also offers new and prospective funders an opportunity to engage with more established funders as they embark upon the process of...Read more
Regional focus:
United StatesNorth AmericaCase Study: Supporting Market-Based Solutions for Safe and Affordable Water in India
Foundation Center
Through a three-year $3.5 million partnership with Safe Water Network (SWN), The PepsiCo Foundation provides market-based approaches and technical support for safe and affordable water access to communities in Ghana, India, and Bangladesh. As part of the initiative, SWN and PepsiCo Foundation are...Read more
Regional focus:
United StatesNorth AmericaRecommended Reading from Washfunders.Org
Foundation Center
This research collection includes reports, case studies, evaluations, and fact sheets on water, sanitation, and hygiene. This database is not intended to be exhaustive -- other online resources, such as the'IRC WASH library, already serve that function. Rather, this collection represents a...Read more
Regional focus:
United StatesNorth AmericaWaterCredit: Bringing Microfinance to Water and Sanitation Sector
Foundation Center
In 2004, the Michael and Susan Dell Foundation awarded more than $1 million to finance Water Partners International (Water.org) in its efforts to provide safe water and sanitation to the poor in developing countries. Water Partners International launched a pilot Water Credit Initiative which...Read more
Regional focus:
North AmericaUnited StatesCase Study: Water and Sanitation Program of the World Bank: Learning to Scale Up Rural Sanitation Programs
Foundation Center
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has contributed $17.4 million to support the Total Sanitation and Sanitation Marketing project (TSSM) in Tanzania, India and Indonesia. In Indonesia, the initiative is a collaboration between the Government of Indonesia, the World Bank's Water and...Read more
Regional focus:
United StatesNorth AmericaNutrient Criteria Technical Guidance Manual: Lakes and Reservoirs
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
This manual details the U.S. EPA's scientific recommendations regarding ambient concentrations of nutrients that protect resource quality and aquatic life. The guidance manual is intended to help the user develop criteria useful for abating cultural eutrophication.Read more
Regional focus:
North AmericaUnited States