U.S. Domestic Resources
Welcome to the H2infO U.S. Domestic Resources Page. On this page you will find U.S. Water Partnership member resources aimed at helping domestic stakeholders address the unique water challenges of the United States.
U.S. Domestic Resources
Water Use By Sector in Tucson Water Service Area
The National Institutes for Water Resources
Studies of water use in Tucson show that more water is being used in house holds each year.Read more
Regional focus:
United StatesNorth AmericaLow-Water Tree and Plant Guide: Water Wise Communities
The National Institutes for Water Resources
Homeowners are concerned about how much water is need to support the tree and plant landscaped. Landscape alternatives are need to help save water and reduce utility costs.Read more
Regional focus:
United StatesNorth AmericaTucson Water Rainwater Harvesting Rebate Program Brochure
The National Institutes for Water Resources
Rainwater harvesting is the capture diversion, and storage of rainwater for plant irrigation, the primary concept is to slow down as much of the rainwater runoff as possible and keep it on the property.Read more
Regional focus:
United StatesNorth AmericaFood Habits and Feeding Chronology of Channel Catfish, Ictalurus Punctatus (Rafinesque) in Conowingo Reservoir
January 1, 1970U.S. Agency for International Development
The single 24-hour feeding chronology study indicated that subadult and adult catfish fed heavily during the daylight hours although some feeding also occurred in the night. The major foods eaten by subadults and adults differed over the 24-hour period. Fishes formed the hulk of the diet at 0600...Read more
Regional focus:
United StatesNorth AmericaLand Leveling: Planning Guide
July 1, 1981U.S. Agency for International Development
This report details the practice of land leveling in agriculture and how past issues created by this farming technique have been overcome. It highlights the importance of precision land leveling which is necessary for proper agricultural drainange.Read more
Regional focus:
United StatesNorth AmericaTucson Regional Water Planning Perspectives Study
May 16, 2008The National Institutes for Water Resources
The intent of this report is to provide the Tucson region with an indication of the perspectives, including the hopes and concerns, of a representative sample of stakeholders about regional water planning. Forty-three interviews were conducted during March and early April 2008. While this study...Read more
Regional focus:
United StatesNorth AmericaArsenic in Arizona Ground Water -- Source and Transport Characteristics
May 1, 2008The National Institutes for Water Resources
Following on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's 'Arsenic Rule' decision to lower the allowable arsenic content in drinking water from 50 to 10 parts per billion (ppb) or less, public water systems were required to meet the lower limit by January 23, 2006. Private well owners...Read more
Regional focus:
United StatesNorth AmericaAgricultural Water to Municipal Use
December 15, 2008The National Institutes for Water Resources
This article reviews the institutional incentives for and barriers to voluntary water transfers in Arizona, focusing on the role of agricultural water supply organizations in the development of water markets. Survey results from a cross-section of agricultural water supply organizations in Arizona...Read more
Regional focus:
United StatesNorth AmericaCity of Tucson Development Standard No. 10-03.0 Commercial Water Harvesting
April 27, 2009The National Institutes for Water Resources
Harvesting rainwater is a useful strategy for providing supplemental irrigation water to commercial landscapes, making more efficient use of the desert's most limited resource--water. The City of Tucson Mayor and Council adopted the Commercial Rainwater Harvesting Ordinance on October 14, 2008...Read more
Regional focus:
United StatesNorth AmericaProjects to Enhance Arizona's Environment: Piloting a Voluntary Mechanism for Securing Water for Environmental Enhancement Projects
January 2, 2010The National Institutes for Water Resources
This report documents the results of Phase III of the Bureau of Reclamation funded project at the University of Arizona's Water Resources Research Center entitled, 'Projects to Enhance Arizona's Environment: Piloting a Voluntary Mechanism for Securing Water for Environmental...Read more
Regional focus:
United StatesNorth America