Training Resources
Welcome to the H2infO Training Page! The resources found within this page have been collected from across the U.S. Water Partnership with the goal of aiding in the education and preparation of H2infO users all over the world working to address unique water challenges.
Training Resources
USAID Ghana WASH Project: Modules for Training Community Facilitators in Behavior Change Communication in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion
May 1, 2011U.S. Agency for International Development
The manual is made up of two parts. The first part, Training Manual for Community Facilitators in Behavior Change Communication in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion Sector, provides detailed content and additional information on topics discussed during the training sessions. Copies may be...Read more
Regional focus:
GhanaSub-Saharan AfricaBuilding Local Well Drilling Capacity in Senegal
August 1, 2013Relief InternationalU.S. Agency for International Development
An overview of various well drilling technologies and their costs, this document also provides a case for the adoption of manually drilling wells where appropriate. Manually drilling wells, when professionalized, can be completed at the same level of quality as mechanized rigs but at 1/4 of the...Read more
Regional focus:
SenegalSub-Saharan Africa