Training Resources
Welcome to the H2infO Training Page! The resources found within this page have been collected from across the U.S. Water Partnership with the goal of aiding in the education and preparation of H2infO users all over the world working to address unique water challenges.
Training Resources
Low-Cost Remediation Strategies for Contaminated Soil and Groundwater
National Groundwater Association
Low-Cost Remediation Strategies for Contaminated Soil and Groundwater Read more
The Groundwater Visibility Initiative: Integrating Groundwater and Surface Water Management Workshop
National Groundwater Association
Examine the challenges - and successes - of managing the integration of groundwater and surface water in this one-day workshop being held jointly by NGWA and the American Water Resources Association (AWRA).Read more
Fundamentals of Groundwater Geochemistry
National Groundwater Association
This course is designed to provide you with a thorough understanding of the principles of geochemistry, as understanding the geochemical aspects is an important step in completing a successful site assessment or remediation project. While many people have a solid understanding of hydrological...Read more
An Integrated Approach for Evaluating Natural Attenuation? Using CSIA, Molecular Biological Tools, Magnetic Susceptibility, and Geochemistry
National Groundwater Association
?Gain the understanding you need to evaluate - and support - monitored natural attenuation (MNA) as a remediation approach for contaminated groundwater during this two-day short course.Read more
Water to Air Models: Urban and Agricultural Frameworks for Quantifying Energy and Air Quality
October 1, 2004Pacific Institute
To give water managers a better understanding of the relationship between water management decisions, energy consumption, and air quality the Pacific Institute has created two Excel Spreadsheets that demonstrate Water to Air Models. One model is for urban water districts and the other for...Read more
7 Toolkits (French and English) for Manual Well Drilling
Relief International
The link contains seven different toolkits, highly technical, that cover over in detail the entire manual well drilling process. This should be used as a training tool with manual well drillers in the field.Read more
Arizona Conserve Water Educators' Guide
National Water Research Institute
Arizona Conserve Water is a publication dedicated to the premise that it is never too early to learn to conserve water. The K-12 educators' guide is a tool to help Arizona teachers develop among their students a knowledge and respect for water in their semi-arid home state.Read more
A Practical Approach to Water Conservation for Commercial Industrial Facilities
May 1, 2007Alliance for Water Efficiency
Industry and commerce use vast amounts of water, and in many parts of the world water is becoming a scarce commodity. This book is a "best practice" manual for water conservation for industrial and commercial users world-wide.It offers a practical account of the measures which can be...Read more
Guidelines for Gravity-Fed Drip Irrigation on Slopes in Myanmar
This guide from Proximity Design (formerly iDE Myanmar) outlines considerations for using low-pressure drip irrigation kits on stepp and gentle slopes. While not as easy as installations on flat ground, it is still possible to use drip irrigation very effectively on crops grown on sloping land.Read more
Regional focus:
MyanmarEast Asia and PacificApplying Fertilizer With Drip Irrigation
This guide from Proximity Design (formerly iDE Myanmar) guides smallholder farmers in the process of applying fertilizer through drip irrigation systems.Read more
Regional focus:
MyanmarEast Asia and Pacific