Training Resources
Welcome to the H2infO Training Page! The resources found within this page have been collected from across the U.S. Water Partnership with the goal of aiding in the education and preparation of H2infO users all over the world working to address unique water challenges.
Training Resources
Appropriate Technology Information for Developing Countries
November 1, 1979Skoll Global Threats FundU.S. Agency for International Development
This publication was produced to inform the international development community about selected scientific and technical information available from NTIS which can be transferred, adapted, and applied to solve local development problems around the world. the selection was made from the NTIS data file...Read more
Regional focus:
United StatesNorth AmericaJob Aids for Quality Control in the Manufacturing of the Aid Handpump
May 1, 1984U.S. Agency for International Development
These job aids are intended to be used by people who manufacture and perform quality assurance for the AID hand pump. These job aids serve as memory joggers for factory personnel and acceptance testers who have already received training in the quality control tasks required to produce a high-...Read more
Pump Selection: a Field Guide for Developing Countries
January 1, 1989U.S. Agency for International Development
This manual is designed to enable field technicians an managers who do not necessarily have extensive experience in water engineering to make appropriate choices of water pumping systems and components. It presents the decisions-making process as a logical progression.Read more
Community Sanitation Improvement and Latrine Construction Program: A Training Guide
March 1, 1993U.S. Agency for International Development
The 10-day program presented here is designed to train local development agents to direct community sanitation and latrine construction programs. The program presents the role of the development agent as that of sanitation educator, community facilitator and catalyst, and resource for identifying...Read more
Operation and Maintenance Manual: Kosaman and Berdykol Wellfields
September 1, 1996U.S. Agency for International Development
The document provides a manual and handbook guide for a variety of plumbing categories. Read more
Regional focus:
KazakhstanEurope and Central Asia