Training Resources
Welcome to the H2infO Training Page! The resources found within this page have been collected from across the U.S. Water Partnership with the goal of aiding in the education and preparation of H2infO users all over the world working to address unique water challenges.
Training Resources
Planning How to Use Sources of Surface Water
U.S. Agency for International Development
This technical note describes the planning need to use surface water sources in terms of eight planning steps: -recognize problem -organize community support and set objectives -collect data -formulate alternatives -choose best method -establish the system -operate and maintain system -evaluate...Read more
A Practical Approach to Water Conservation for Commercial Industrial Facilities
May 1, 2007Alliance for Water Efficiency
Industry and commerce use vast amounts of water, and in many parts of the world water is becoming a scarce commodity. This book is a "best practice" manual for water conservation for industrial and commercial users world-wide.It offers a practical account of the measures which can be...Read more
Oro Valley Landscape Water Plan Code
The National Institutes for Water Resources
This landscape water plan ensures irrigation efficiency and water conservation goals are being accomplished and maximum amount of water applied on an annual basis shall be established for any irrigated landscape.Read more
Regional focus:
United StatesNorth AmericaStream Corridors in Watershed Management
September 1, 1989U.S. Agency for International Development
Stream corridor management includes the maintenance of riparian and in stream vegetation and maintenance of overall channel morphology with its obstructions , rapids, meanders and adjacent wetlands.Read more