Training Resources
Welcome to the H2infO Training Page! The resources found within this page have been collected from across the U.S. Water Partnership with the goal of aiding in the education and preparation of H2infO users all over the world working to address unique water challenges.
Training Resources
Arizona Conserve Water Educators' Guide
National Water Research Institute
Arizona Conserve Water is a publication dedicated to the premise that it is never too early to learn to conserve water. The K-12 educators' guide is a tool to help Arizona teachers develop among their students a knowledge and respect for water in their semi-arid home state.Read more
Hatchery Manual for the Common, Chinese and Indian Major Carps
January 1, 1985U.S. Agency for International Development
This is a hatchery manual for the common Chinese and India major carps. This manual is aimed at providing practical guidance to carp hatchery workers and background information on carp biology and culture which may be inaccessible in areas lacking fisheries libraries.Read more
Regional focus:
South East Asia