Integrated Water Resource Management
As defined by the Global Water Partnership, integrated water resource management is a process which promotes the coordinated development and management of water, land, and related resources in order to maximize the resultant economic and social welfare in an equitable manner without compromising the sustainability of vital ecosystems. Resources available within this theme provide guidance on how to conserve and restore watersheds, reduce pollution, adapt to climate change and reduce risks from floods and droughts.
Integrated Water Resource Management Resources
Recommended Reading from Washfunders.Org
Foundation Center
This research collection includes reports, case studies, evaluations, and fact sheets on water, sanitation, and hygiene. This database is not intended to be exhaustive -- other online resources, such as the'IRC WASH library, already serve that function. Rather, this collection represents a...Read more
Regional focus:
United StatesNorth AmericaDoes Micro-Irrigation Matter? a Quasi-Experimental Impact Evaluation in Zambia
This study is an evaluation of the impact of micro-irrigation technology investment, farmer-group membership, and agricultural training on various measures of household income, crop production, crop diversification, and value added for an innovative project conduced by iDE with smallholder farmers...Read more
Regional focus:
ZambiaSub-Saharan AfricaAnalytical Methods for Drinking Water Compliance Monitoring
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
This website lists all of the methods that are currently approved by U.S. EPA for the analysis of drinking water samples. Each document focuses on the methods that are applicable to a specific monitoring requirement.Read more
Managing Urban Runoff
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
This page provides information and resources to help citizens and municipalities protect water quality from sources of urban runoff. There are guidance documents, manuals, factsheets and research studies available to learn best management practices.Read more
Nonpoint Source Outreach Toolbox
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
The Nonpoint Source (NPS) Outreach Toolbox is the EPA's guidance for effective outreach education on nonpoint source pollution or storm water runoff. The Toolbox contains a variety of resources with examples for increasing awareness and changing behavior in relation to storm water awareness,...Read more
U.S. National Aquatic Resource Surveys
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
The U.S. EPA has developed approaches for implementing a statistically valid survey for assessing the nation's waters. These resources are specific to states but provide a framework approach to help build national monitoring program. The National Aquatic Resource Surveys (NARS) use randomized...Read more
Water Security
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
This website provides tools, technical assistance, reports and news which assess and reduce consequences, threats, and vulnerabilities to potential terrorist attacks; to plan for and practice response to natural disasters, emergencies, and incidents; and to develop new security technologies to...Read more
Webinar on "Living Shorelines - Types, Tools and Techniques"
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
This webcast will introduce living shoreline projects and explain the values of such projects and their implementation methodologies. Important points to be covered include: site selection criteria, appropriate techniques for differing energy regimes, innovative practices, and implementation tools.Read more
AQUATOX 3.1 Plus Simulation Model for Aquatic Systems
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
AQUATOX is a simulation model for aquatic systems. AQUATOX predicts the flow of pollutants, such as nutrients and organic chemicals, and their effects on the ecosystem, including fish, invertebrates and aquatic plants. This model is a valuable tool for ecologists, biologists, water quality modelers...Read more
Webinar on "Wetlands Supplement: Integrating Wetlands Into Watershed Planning"
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Wetlands are the crucial link between the land and water and play an integral role in the healthy functioning of watersheds. The Supplement promotes using a watershed approach that protects existing freshwater wetlands and maximizes opportunities to use restored, enhanced, and created freshwater...Read more
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