Emergency & Disaster Relief
According to Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council, in a disaster situation, the provision of safe water and sanitation solutions, and especially hygiene promotion, are vital to reduce the spread of epidemic diseases. Resources available in this sub-theme include case studies of disaster response, overviews of ongoing support to emergencies, and other resources related to WASH provision in disasters.
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Emergency & Disaster Relief Resources
Yemen - Ongoing USG Humanitarian Assistance to Yemen (03-17-2011)
March 17, 2010U.S. Agency for International Development
This map illustrates the location of USAID and U.S. State Department Humanitarian Assistance for Yemen.Read more
Regional focus:
Yemen, Rep.Middle East and North AfricaWater and Wastewater Sector Strategy Paper
U.S. Agency for International Development
This paper constitutes a first look at the options available to AID in its relationship with the Government of Egypt and in the management of an unprecedented program in wastewater in Cairo, Alexandria and the Canal Cities.Read more
Regional focus:
Egypt, Arab Rep.Middle East and North AfricaJordan: Complex Crises Fund (CCF) Mid-Cycle Portfolio Review (MPR)
March 18, 2014U.S. Agency for International Development
Responding to potential instability resulting from increasing populations of Syrian refugees in the Jordan's Northern Governorates of Irbid and Mafraq, USAID Jordan received $20 Million in resources from the Complex Crises Fund (CCF) to support Phase II implementation of the Community Based...Read more
Regional focus:
JordanMiddle East and North AfricaDon't see what you're looking for? You can search USWP member sites, request a resource, or contact the USWP.