Zimbabwe - Cholera Outbreak Factsheet #9
On February 13, the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) reported that the outbreak remained uncontrolled. In addition, OCHA noted that while new case rates in many urban districts appear to have stabilized in recent weeks, rates in rural areas continue to increase. Manicaland, Mashonaland Central, Mashonaland West, and Midlands provinces reported significant new caseloads between February 8 and 14. ' On February 9, OCHA reported suspected or confirmed cholera cases in eight additional southern African nations, although USAID/OFDA regional staff note that countries in southern Africa tend to experience seasonal endemic outbreaks every year. OCHA noted that ministries of health in a majority of the affected nations continue to respond adequately to the increased caseload, in cooperation with WHO and OCHA. ' On February 9, OCHA reported concerns regarding increasing cholera case numbers, accurate reporting of cholera case figures, and emergency relief supply distribution in Malawi. While the outbreak in Malawi is likely not related to Zimbabwe's outbreak, USAID/OFDA regional staff and USAID/Malawi will continue to monitor the situation in cooperation with humanitarian partners.