Workshop on Sanitation in Bakel, Senegal, April 20 - May 3, 1983: an Assessment of Environmental Health Conditions
In spring 1983, a workshop on rural sanitation, herein summarized, was held in Bakel, Senegal, to give 16 people, including 12 nurses participating in A.I.D.'s Small Irrigated Perimeters Project, the skills needed to plan village-level sanitation projects. The workshop focused on latrine construction and solid waste and wastewater disposal. The methodology involved such tasks as constructing three latrines, conducting a sanitary survey and analyzing the data, examining the role of a village health committee, planning an education program, designing improvements for existing latrines, and planning a solid waste disposal system. Participants felt the workshop was successful, especially the participatory approach, the focus on project planning, and the technical aspects of latrine construction. Included in the report is a sanitary assessment of the villages in the Bakel region in terms of: excreta, wastewater, and solid waste disposal; water supply; schistosomiasis and irrigation; and dispensaries and hospitals. Recommendations in these areas and for workshop follow-on activities conclude the report. Designs for the excreta and solid waste disposal systems used in the workshop are appended.