Title XII Project to Assist in the Development of In-Country Production of Brine Shrimp (Artemia) for Use as Food for Aquaculture Organisms in Indonesia
The Government of Indonesia (GOI) is planning to build 266 hatcheries in order to alleviate a shortage of brine shrimp (Artemia) cysts which is drastically limiting hatchery production of post-larval shrimp. The potential for USAID/I assistance to this project is evaluated in this consultant's report. The report estimates the quantity of brine shrimp needed, notes the danger of import dependence, and assesses the potential for large-scale integrated Artemia-salt production; a USAID/I pilot project to produce Artemia in industrial salt ponds is recommended over and above any USAID/I assistance to the GOI project. The potential for small-scale development at Artemia demonstration ponds then is assessed, and constraints on such development are identified. Observations are reported on the in-hatchery production of brine shrimp at three sites, including their limitations, and on the results of a site visit to potential brine shrimp and penaeid shrimp culture sites in Northwest Java. Recommendations address the political and financial aspects of the proposed GOI project, brine shrimp pond production strategies, and training requirements. Appendices include, inter alia, a schematic outline of larval feeding practices; diagrams for the layout of salt farms on Madura Island; a description of the water reuse system used for Artemia culture at Prigi hatchery; and a manual on the production of Artemia in salt ponds in the Philippines.