Sustainable and Productive Resource Management: Macro Policies for Land and Water Resources
This paper is the seventh in a series of ten Policy Papers being prepared under the IMPSA Program. All of the previous papers address issues directly related to improving the performance of irrigated agriculture, with special reference to institutional issues. This paper and the eighth one on fiscal and trade policies go beyond irrigated agriculture per se, and address broader questions whose solutions would have a great impact on the irrigated agriculture sector. Thus, the purpose of this Paper is to propose a set of policies on broader land and water resources issues to the extent possible, and to suggest additional issues requiring further work before firm policies can be proposed. Land has been the subject of three high-level Commissions since 1927, and despite the efforts of very learned and experienced people, it continues to be an area beset with serious problems and with no obvious or easy solutions. It focusses on a few issues that are relevant to irrigated agriculture.