PVO/University Collaboration in Action: the Water Harvesting/Aquaculture Project, Cooperative Agreement with AID, FVA/PVC -- PDC-0204-G-SS-4085-00: Final Report (October 1984-September 1989)
The Water Harvestng/Aquaculture Project (WHAP) had its genesis in an unsolicited proposal submitted to and funded by A.I.D. It was designed to address a number of development needs: making available ongoing technical assistance in water harvesting/integrated aquaculture and agriculture to small projects acroas the developing world, accessing this technology to private voluntary organizations (PVOs); and developing a methodology to support this type of PVO and
university collaboration.All field projects developed or assisted under the WHAP were funded and managed by the sponsoring PVO. WHAP, through the International Center for Aquaculture of Auburn University (ICA), provided training and technical assistance to the projects as requested by the PVOs. Technical assistance was ongoing and lasted for the life of the WHAP.