A Proposed Action Plan for a National Training Program in the Water Sector for the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
A national action plan is presented for training Government of Jordan (GOJ) water sector personnel. After a review of water supply organizations, planned facilities, personnel needs, and available educational/training institutions, the project's objectives are set forth, along with a description of the proposed training philosophy and personnel needs. A work plan and monitoring/evaluation system conclude the report. It is recommended that: (1) the Water Supply Corporation (WSC) plan and implement a water sector training program for the Amman Water and Sewerage Authority, the Jordan Valley Authority, the Natural Resources Authority, and WSC itself; (2) the Vocational Training Corporation play a major role in designing and implementing training systems and skill training programs for the above agencies; and (3) the project be a joint effort of expatriate trainers, full-time GOJ staff, and personnel seconded from GOJ water sector organizations and Jordanian training/educational institutions. A 5-year, three-phase implementation plan is described, including an initial 18-month plan for courses to meet immediate needs and systematically develop skills. Appendices include model curricula vitae, position descriptions, the contents of sample training courses, and personnel needs and budget requirements.