Irrigation Management Systems Project Sustainability Workshop, April 21-23, 1994, Port Said, Egypt
The Irrigation and Land Development Office of the USAID Mission in Cairo requested the Irrigation Support Project for Asia and the Near East (ISPAN) to conduct a workshop for the Irrigation Management Systems (IMS) Project, a $340 million umbrella project with nine major components plus a miscellaneous fund for monitoring, workshops, and the like. The intent of the IMS workshop was to come to a clear understanding of what should and can be sustained out of the IMS Project and to lay the foundation for successful sustainability. The workshop was also designed to provide key component personnel v'ith the opportunity to review their sustainability plans and begin to focus on the most important benefits or outputs of IMS to sustain. The final outcome of the workshop was to be the development of an Action Plan based on a uniform set of factors outlined during the workshop sessions.