Housing, Transportation, and Water Resources
The subjects considered in the course of the symposium and therefore in these volumes were construction, transportation, housing, water resources and nutrition -- all highly relevant to concerns of the developing countries and all subjects of current interest at MIT. The four volumes of this report contain most of the papers that were commissioned to formulate questions and issues. Volume 2 contains the following papers by participants in the symposium: "Incremental Infrastructure", Richard Bender; "Self-Help Infrastructure: Applications of Irregular, Small-Scale, Incremental Systems for Residential Utilities", Ian Donald Terner; "Roads and Highway Transportation in Developing Countries", L. Odier; "Urban Transportation problems in Developing Countries: The Role of Technology", George W. Wilson; "Comments on the Transportation Papers", Louis Berger"; "Technology Utilization in Water Resource Development and Management", Ian Burton; and "Evolution of Modeling in Water Resources Planning", Frank E. Perkins.