Grant to Servicio Social De Iglesias Dominicanas to Expand Activities Under the Inland Fisheries II OPG
OPG, follow-on to 5170123, to Servicio Social de Iglesias Dominicas (SSID, the Dominican counterpart of Church World Services) to expand freshwater fish production in the Dominican Republic. SSID will collaborate with the Peace Corps, Instituto Dominicano de Technologia Industrial (INDOTEC), and Fundacion para el Desarrollo Comunitario (FUDECO) to implement the project. The project will build appropriate technology centers/fish hatcheries which will provide facilities for farmer training as well as for increasing fingerling production. FUDECO will build the centers, while SSID will pay part of the construction costs, stock fish ponds, and train FUDECO personnel. The Peace Corps and SSID will use the centers to conduct three-day training sessions for an estimated 4,000 participants over the life of the project. Other project activities will include: (1) strengthening the extension system by utilizing PCV's and two Dominican fishery experts as extension agents; (2) developing a joint technical training program to promote inter-institutional collaboration; and (3) improving fish production (through advanced feeding and management techniques and the expanded extension system). In addition, the number of fiche ponds is expected to increase by 12 each year. SSID will conduct a baseline survey on aquaculture costs, production, and marketing. To help in this process, INDOTEC will provide access to its fisheries, library, and research facilities.