Contribuciones Para El Estudio De La Pesca Artesanal En America Latina: Proceedings of The Mini-Symposium on Small-Scale Fisheries of The 46Th International Congress of Americanists, 4-8 Jul 1988
An analysis of small-scale fisheries within the evolution of fisheries sector of Latin America is conducted with emphasis on the relative stagnating conditions of the former. a discussion of the characteristics of the artisanal fisheries sector determining its structural duality, heterogeneity and diversity is conducted, and the need to consider these factors in the design of management policies is emphasized. Several common aspects of small-scale fisheries throughout the developing world, and in Latin America in particular, are identified. The need for research in the social, cultural, behavioral and economic components of small-scale fisheries is highlighted as a prerequisite for effective management interventions. Finally, a summary of current characteristics of small-scale fisheries in each country of the region is presented based on existing documents and statistical references.