Citanduy River Basin Development Project: Citanduy Upper Watershed Management Project; Feasibility Report
The Soil and Water Conservation planning studies for the Citanduy River Basin has been in progress for over a decade. A Citanduy River Basin Development 'Master Plan' and 'Feasibility Report', published in May 1975, presented a plan for the water conservation phase of development. The plan identified conservation works such as Dams & Reservoir, Irrigation & Drainage systems and protection works in the basin and proposed a plan for implementation. Parts of this plan is currently being implementation. Following the Master Plan, the soil conservation studies for the Citanduy Upper watershed were begun in 1977 with the implementation of the 'Panawangan Pilot Watershed Project'. This study termed 'The Citanduy Upper Watershed Management Project' focuses on the total watershed as the planning and management unit. The program for the 350,000 ha Citanduy Watershed was developed with a particular awareness of the people problems created by a 1979 watershed population of 2.2 million people (639 people/km2). The Upper Watershed Program emphasizes the potential improvement in economic and social conditions of the upland farmers through an integrated system of extension education, demonstration farms, farmer incentives, farm credit, and increased availability of technology and technical inputs to upland farmers. Soil losses from upland erosion will be reduced by a system of conservation farming practices, bench terracing and other conservation measures, erosion proofing of critical road and trail sections, and a continuation of the "greening" program. Evaluation of the proposed integrated Upper Watershed Management project indicates that it is technically feasible, economically and financially justifiable, and institutionally and socio-culturally acceptable. In a word, the Upper Watershed Project plan is sound.