International Conference on Marine Resources Development in Eastern Africa
The University of Dar es Salaam hosted this conference on marine resource development as a major step toward founding a center for marine resources at the university. Included in this conference report are the opening and closing addresses, and the papers presented with their supplementary comments. These papers were divided into three main groups: 1) marine resource potential and needs of Eastern Africa, 2) marine resource programs at the University of Rhode Island and their possible applicability to program development, and 3) planning an institute for marine sciences for Eastern Africa. General recommendations focused on the establishment of a marine resources center at the University of Dar es Salaam, the prime reason for the conference itself. These recommendations mainly were specific guidelines for the three major areas to be emphasized at the marine resources center: 1) marine affairs, coastal management, and marine advisory services; 2) marine science and ocean engineering; and 3) resource economics, sociology, and food and nutrition.