On - Farm Water Management Research in Chile: Efficient Use of Soil Moisture and Nitrogen for Increased Crop Production
A project involving research and demonstration on modern concepts of irrigation management was conducted in the Aconcagua Province of Chile during three growing seasons, 1969 to 1972. The test crop was corn. Variables were soil moisture, nitrogen fertilizer, hybrid variety, and plant density. One other variable that was used in the last season was incorporation of soil amendments to evaluate effects on the soil moisture intake rate. Observations and results made in the initial season emphasized the need to coordinate and improve crop and soil water management in a number of farming practices. This was required before any serious attempt could be made to establish modern irrigation technology in the area. Some of the factors involved were seed bed preparation, early season soil moisture control, adequate stand establishment, weed control, and use of an irrigation method that would avoid drought and loss of yield potential throughout the growing season.