Ecuador: Assistance to National Water and Sewerage Authority (IEOS) in Engineering Aspects of Microcomputer Application
The National Water and Sewerage Authority of Ecuador (IEOS) requested assistance in developing the capability of their engineers to use its Alpha Micro computer for evaluating engineering alternatives during the design of drinking water and basic sanitation projects. This report covers the efforts of a consultant to (1) adapt the UNC programs to an Alpha Micro computer that has been purchased by IEOS; (2) load these programs into the computer; and (3) train 10 to 15 IEOS engineers in how to use the programs. The report then recommends a series of steps that should be taken to improve the availability of the computer to the engineers for whom it was bought. In addition, the report recommends a course of action for (1) reinforcing the knowledge presented during this mission; and (2) expanding the number and type of programs in the IEOS library.