Integrated Water Resource Management
As defined by the Global Water Partnership, integrated water resource management is a process which promotes the coordinated development and management of water, land, and related resources in order to maximize the resultant economic and social welfare in an equitable manner without compromising the sustainability of vital ecosystems. Resources available within this theme provide guidance on how to conserve and restore watersheds, reduce pollution, adapt to climate change and reduce risks from floods and droughts.
Integrated Water Resource Management Resources
Cameroon: Rural Water Sector - A Preliminary Study
January 1, 1979U.S. Agency for International Development
This study reflects that a water supply is a small part of a much larger social system , and that while there may be general agreement on what should be done, there is often general confusion on how to do it. This report provides an overview of the rural water sector in Cameroon and an introductory...Read more
Regional focus:
CameroonSub-Saharan AfricaComparative Evaluation of the Regional Institutions for the Development of the Senegal River, Niger River and Lake Chad Basins
December 1, 1978U.S. Agency for International Development
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the conditions in the Senegal River, Niger River and Lake Chad Basins, and the characteristics of the three regional institutions charged with the coordinated development of the basins.Read more
Regional focus:
Sub-Saharan AfricaSavanna Regional Water Resources and Land Use Project; Progress Report, Jan.-June, 1978
June 30, 1978U.S. Agency for International Development
The goal of this project is to contribute to the rational development of water resources in the West African Savanna region as required for agricultural development, human and animal consumption, and with due consideration for the ecological effects of such development. The purpose is to assist...Read more
Regional focus:
Sub-Saharan AfricaWater and Conservation Programs for Cape Verde
March 1, 1977U.S. Agency for International Development
Reviews activities in Cape Verde related to irrigation development, water spreading, and soil conservation. Focuses on the island of Santiago because of its size, population, and potential resources. Described are conditions relative to soils, climate, hydrology, and land use. Specific program...Read more
Regional focus:
Cabo VerdeSub-Saharan AfricaOptimum Utilization of Water Resources for Agriculture With Special Emphasis on Systems Analysis of Watershed Management; Annual Technical Report, 1974/1975
December 1, 1975U.S. Agency for International Development
Plan have been initiated in conceptualizing and organizing a multidimensional information network among universities involved in AID programs. A week long watershed-management short course was held to serve as a base for the development of a set of materials which can be civilized in LDCs as...Read more
Regional focus:
SudanSub-Saharan AfricaReview of the Bureau of Reclamation Senegal River Basin - Water Resources Development Analysis
January 1, 1975U.S. Agency for International Development
This document reviews the Senegal River Basin in USAID's efforts to combat the Sahel drought in 1970. It offers short and long term recommendations for capital assistance. One recommendation is the use of green infrastructure for the short term. In the medium term it proposes that USAID assist...Read more
Regional focus:
SenegalSub-Saharan AfricaA Study for the Organization Pour Mise En Valeur Du Fleuve (OMVS) Organization and Training Program
January 1, 1975U.S. Agency for International Development
This study's approach was to acquire all possible information about OMVS and its member nations. This includes information on the governments, economies, social structure, health education, climate, geography, religion, attitudes, and problems.Read more
Regional focus:
Sub-Saharan AfricaFramework for Evaluating Long-Term Strategies for the Development of the Sahel - Sudan Region, Annex 8: an Approach to Water Resource Planning
December 1, 1974U.S. Agency for International Development
This report describes a systematic framework for the analysis of long run investment needs in the water resources of the Sahel-Sudan region. The work was conducted as part of a larger project resulting from a contract between the United States Agency for International Development and the...Read more
Regional focus:
SudanSub-Saharan AfricaHousing, Transportation, and Water Resources
April 1, 1974U.S. Agency for International Development
The subjects considered in the course of the symposium and therefore in these volumes were construction, transportation, housing, water resources and nutrition -- all highly relevant to concerns of the developing countries and all subjects of current interest at MIT. The four volumes of this report...Read more
Regional focus:
Sub-Saharan AfricaEnvironmental Impact of a Large Tropical Reservoir; Guidelines for Policy and Planning Based Upon a Case Study of Lake Volta, Ghana in 1973 and 1974
January 1, 1974U.S. Agency for International Development
To date, guidelines specific to impact assessment of tropical dams have not been developed, particularly as regards hydrobiological and ecological impacts. The need for such guidelines motivated the Agency for International Development to commission the Smithsonian Institution's Office of...Read more
Regional focus:
GhanaSub-Saharan AfricaDon't see what you're looking for? You can search USWP member sites, request a resource, or contact the USWP.